Monday, May 17, 2010


Emrie Ann

Henry Michael

Everyone at church says how they look so much alike. So these pictures were taken at the same age to compare. Emrie's little arms and cheeks are huge, quite the chubby baby girl! Henry isn't nearly as chubby, which may have something to do with the fact that he is still a breastmilk only baby and could care less about any cereal, fruits or veggies.

Today I went to Wal-Mart to pick up a few items and it never fails, I always get a "Wow, what a beautiful baby." I can remember thinking how strange it was with Emrie when we were out, all the people who would stop and take notice of her. Now they do the same for Henry. But today in particular, an older man in front of me at the check out, talked to the kids and made over them as if they were his own grandchildren. He then asked me if I take my kids to church, I answered yes and he just beamed. I don't know who he was, but how nice of him to take a moment to show his care and concern over my kids. While most people just notice the kids for their outward cuteness, he was thinking of their heart(which is more important by far!)

Praise God for our house which provides us shelter from the rain!

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