Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Battle of the Wills

Emrie Ann is a strong willed spirit for sure. Monday happened to be one of "those" days. She had time-outs galore, it is exhausting for me to be giving them nearly every 5-10 minutes and when time-outs last 4 minutes minimum that consumes most of the day. After her best friend/worst enemy(Lilly)left for the afternoon we really had a battle of wills. She needed a bath so we could go shopping with Aunt Beth, Emrie believed with all her might that a bath was not necessary. She yelled, she splashed, she thrashed, she screamed, she cried, and she swatted and it resulted in a bath given by force. I often wonder where she gets such a strong will and then I decide I probably know exactly where it came from. Certainly not me! I can only vaguely remember grabbing onto the steering wheel of the car when it was time to get out at school, or having a death grip on my daddy's shirt as he carried me onto the bus and tried to make me sit down, or running up into the woods to avoid a day at school, or the vivid smell of Mr. Amen's(East Elementary Principle) cologne when he had to pry me from my mom. I guess it is pretty clear where she gets it. I love her very own spunky personality and I love it even in the midst of loud, trying, and tiring battles.
Henry Little Michael hangs onto my hip while Mommy deals with Emrie. He sits beside Emrie in the tub while she demonstrates her anger, and he doesn't seem to care a bit. Actually he may be a little entertained by all the battles!

Praise God for the patience he has with me.

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