Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Back to School!

Daddy got this Dora, Diego and Boots cake for Emrie. Henry got Emrie a Dora soccer ball, which she has slept with the past two nights. Mommy and Daddy got Emrie a cute soft cuddly pink pig travel pillow and a pink bean bag chair.
Emrie loving on Little Lydia.
Daddy, Emrie and Henry playing Horses!

Greg's first day back to school was Monday boo hoo! Tomorrow is the first day with LHMS kids, he is working on putting his syllabi together right now! I hope he is pleasantly surprised with the kids and coworkers there and that transition goes perfect for him.
I am adjusting quite nicely to having 4 kids at the same time. I figure as long as we all eat, potty and nap the day is a huge success!
Emrie had her 3 year well child check today. She weighed 31lbs and is around 50th %, sounds good to me! Dr. Gibson found her to be in good health and no shots were needed-a big Hooray for that! Henry stayed home with Mama Jane and she said he was busy playing with toys and tinkering, just like any little boy does.
I am off to bed, I am allowing myself 15 minutes to enjoy some reading material before I drift off to dream land. Of course last night when I finally fell off to sleep Emrie awoke all upset and complaining of her toe huuurrtiinng! "It's Bleeeeding!" she said. It wasn't and it looked fine from the outside but she was in hysterics, so I ended up snuggling with her in her twin bed all night long. I am not complaining, every now and then I need a good dose of Emrie snuggles and last night was a perfect way to end a birthday day!
So Everyday Food by Rachel Ray, Here I come! Maybe she will inspire me to fix Greg and big special dinner after his long hard day of work....hmmm, I wouldn't count on it!

Praise God for a beautiful Tuesday!

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