Monday, January 10, 2011

Old Faithful!

This recliner is truly Old Faithful, as I slept in the chair for the 3rd night in a row last night I reflected on the past several years.

After bringing home our precious Emrie Ann August 2007, many hours have been spent in this chair. I remember being so overwhelmed by my new career as Mommy and the impatient, demanding, and hungry baby girl that had taken my life over. We spent hours upon hours during the day nursing and resting. Night after night was spent in this chair for upwards to six months. My head would flop over if I did happened to doze into a deep sleep. Eventually we used the room that was set up for a nursery and the crib slowing began to be used. Our recliner has remained in constant use for snuggle time or anytime nighttime when shots made her ouchy, a stuffy nose made nighttime rest difficult, or fever or flu that came over her.

October 2009 the chair was well primed(as was I) for what came along next. Henry. This baby boy was much more laid back and not quite as demanding. After a tight swaddle, rocking and shushing Henry was generally in his own bed from early on. Still lots of feedings and snuggles happened in this chair and it usually occupied 3 people now.

Somewhere along the way it developed a squeak with each rock followed by a loud CRR-Unchh & CRRR-Aack, loud enough to awaken a sleeping baby(aggravating for sure!) The sound of a metal mechanism rubbing against the wooden base of the recliner will crunch and crack each time you arise from the chair. Some days are worst than others and I suppose for a chair of its age that is bound to happen. Character is what we will say this chair has. Maybe our July Baby will be lulled to sleep by the squeak, crunch and cracks.

After a painful neck issue a few months back the chiropractor firmly suggested NEVER to sleep in the recliner again. I am a bit more cautious about having a pillow to protect my head and neck from the awful neck cramp that follows a night in the chair Emrie has a piggy travel pillow I put to use, I might look slightly ridiculous but it does the trick! So last night I went through the years memories, memories of some comfy naps or restful moments and some not so comfy nights and far from restful moments. I am thankful, truly thankful for Old Faithful.

Praise God for old hand-me-down furniture!

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