Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Dec 1st!

Wow. What a beautiful/cold/snowy December 1st day! My mom would strongly argue that beautiful and snow do NOT go hand in hand....but it seems the first snow always brings a hint of excitement with it. This morning while eating breakfast looking out our large(new&well insulated!!) window Emrie said "The snow is ADORABLE, I can't wait to make an angel in it!"

Oh and on my last post I forgot to mention in the Highlights section that Emrie Ann has a new fascination with peeing backwards on the potty, standing on the potty to pee and even standing in the potty and flushing. Great. Honestly she just about exhausts me with the things she comes up with and the messes she is capable of making. Will my life always be this way? Will I always be asking her "Emrie, Why would you do that?" I am so thankful for our sweet moments and that she loves to cuddle and often says "Mommy I love you!" or I would probably think that I have done something terrible wrong in the first years of this childs life. The Duggar family doesn't give time-0uts they just practice self control with the children. That baffles me, I am sure we are making progress but some days the day is long and the night is too short to re-coup! So Lord, hear me out...Help me be a good Mommy, Help me teach my little ones self control(for I know that standing in the toilet is quite tempting) Help me sow seeds that they want to grow and love you.
Henry has a bag of tricks up his sleeves these days, to list a few:
Shakes his sillys out(a little dance, he has learned from watching sis at the library story time)
Skinnamirky dinky dink, He says "I" love you.
He says shoes for both socks and shoes
He says juice for both milk and juice
He gives kisses...and melts mommys heart
He was trying to jump today, but failed at every attempt.
He chatters his teeth, he thinks it is funny, and I do to!

Bed here I come...Emrie please close your lips and and eyes and drift off to dreamland....So Mommy can too *Yawn*

Praise God for the energy of little ones and the fun and new things each day brings!

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