Thursday, July 8, 2010


Emrie and Henry playing kitchen today.
Henry feeding himself his night time bottle, after mommy pinched his arm in the snap on the seat...bad mommy:-(

So often this overwhelming feeling of pure happiness just washes over me, my blessings are to numerous to list. I just experienced this rush of joy when putting Henry and Emrie to bed tonight, not just because they are finally in bed at ten o'clock. They both went to sleep so sweet and peacefully tonight, it doesn't happen often but it sure feels great when it does!! After smothering Henry with his good night kisses I laid him down in bed and he rolled over to rub his face in his blankie and he was out. Emrie used one last delay tactic by requesting a drink in bed and when I delivered it to her she said "Thank you mommy. Sweet dreams!" I mean really how can some moments be so perfectly serene and other moments be so absolutely chaotic?

Today I fixed tuna for lunch, Emrie and I enjoy eating it on crackers with a little bit of pickle. Each time Emrie would ask for more she called in Tun nuts. As I was changing Henrys diaper this evening she said "That is nasty!" She doesn't miss much and is turning out to be quite a little mocking bird!

Praise God for summer days spent with daddy.

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