Saturday, March 3, 2012

Happy 9th Anniversary!

A family photo on the occasion of our 9th anniversary. We decided to have a "fancy dinner" and get dressed up. Emrie of course was all on board for this and was extremely happy to wear one of Ea's old fluffy dresses. Henry was not quite as thrilled but ended up being pretty proud of himself in his black plaid shirt (that was nearly to small), a grey long sleeve undershirt, black shorts which were far to big and topped off with one of daddy's loooong soccer ties! He was handsome indeed, and as he would run his laps through the house we would say "Uh oh your losing your fancy pants!" Greta was dressed in her finest of course too, and during dinner she decided to nibble on her dress for her main course. Mommy squeeeeezed into a dress that I haven't had on since long before 3 children altered my figure but it fit and the kids were impressed when I walked down the steps Emrie and Henry both said "Awwww" it was a priceless moment! Daddy of course was already in shirt and tie from his day at school so he looked handsome and walked into the house with a beautiful spring bouquet of flowers for our "fancy dinner"!
Emrie picked purple tulips for our table decor.
Henry displaying his most perfect table manners at our fancy dinner, with string cheese hanging from his mouth! Emrie and Henry thought that it was pretty awesome to trade in their typical plastic table wear for real glass ice tea goblets, real big plates and silver wear.
Post dinner activities were to get in to some comfy clothes ASAP! We played in the back yard a bit and Emrie and Daddy made a delicious chocolate cake with lots of yummy sprinkles for our evening dessert! Oh and Henry didn't get to have any because he refused to eat his 2 baby carrots! Poor Henry what a head strong little fellow!

I think that this will be a Dickerson tradition to have a "fancy dinner" each and every March 1st! When I married Greg 9 years ago my dream was to be his wife and mother to children and I celebrate that God has blessed me beyond what I ever could have imagined for my life.

Praise God for such a special day! On our wedding day we lit candles to "Thy Word" and I will continue to, and strive to make your Word a light unto our paths.

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