Friday, May 6, 2011


May 1st was, lunch, naps and playtime outdoors.

In my last post I didn't realize saying Good-bye to April would allow for saying Hello to May by spending the first full week with the!

May 2nd until the present has been less than ideal. Henry and I both were sick at the same time his seeming to be short lived after vomitting he was able to rest well thru the not so much. I don't know if being 29 weeks pregnant made matters worse but recouping from the flu has been challenging. A great big shout out to the Martins, Mom and Mama Linda for pitching in and helping me out! Emrie Ann and Daddy were next in line and while resting sounded great to me more laundry, lysol, bleach, crushed ice and popcicles were in demand a lot!
Anyway we made it thru and I am hoping with all my might that no more nasty viruses come our way for a long time!

Henry update-He is talking and talking alot! This evening I was trying to get him to say his own name it sounded more like Hermie than Henry. He is a kisser, and to hear him say I Love You in his own little way is beyond words! He is all boy and loves to be outside, digging in the dirt or eating the dirt. He is trying to climb up the playhouse ladder or up the slide, neither of which I allow him to do! He holds his little index finger up and says "Be Back" as he walks away from me in the backyard or playground as if I would just let him wonder whatever he wants to go, the gesture is so cute. For the not so cute...if he doesn't want whatever food I have put in front of him it gets tossed to the floor with telling me "NO!" or he swats his cup away in disgust if I try to give it to him and he doesn't want it. But then he does have some manners...he is a little confused though he tells me "your welcome" sounding a bit German when I give him something he should say thank you for.

Emrie Ann update-She is growing...her legs are getting long! She is all about "baycation" and the order of events that lead up to vacation are discussed daily. She also says her belly is getting bigger because she has a baby girl in her belly. In some ways I feel like we have come so far with her and her strong willed ways, but then we have our days when I feel like we have gotten no where! Today a prime example on going outside or not, ended with she and I both in tears because she wears me down like no one else. I know I have this on going battle to consistantly fight with her, so I pray that our little battles of today hopefully make our later ones a bit easier with the firm foundation that MOMMA ISN'T GOING TO GIVE! Rest assured it is never to long before her little fingers are close to mommy once again looking for comfort, and love and of course her "peace"

Praise God for allowing us to be sick and get over it with healthy bodies!

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