Monday, November 1, 2010

You've got to be kiddin'!

November Already? Last week flew by without a chance to sit down and put the happenings into my blog. The kids got hair cuts on Wednesday evening. Henry got his first professional cut, I didn't get the opportunity to video it or even take a picture since I was holding him in the chair. He didn't seem to be to worried about the strange lady taking scissors to his head. It took a long time to get him all trimmed up because he just wouldn't sit still, there was so much to see at the salon. I was sad to see all his dark tips of baby hair go, the stylist said it was so unusual for the dark tips to stay that usually the dark baby hair falls out. Emrie was next and she did a pretty good job of sitting still while she got her cute little bob style hair cut. She was so very proud of her hair do!
Greg had a disappointing championship loss with his 8th grade soccer team and a jerk referee that made it all worse. You win some and you lose some but this one hurt for sure. I am happy though that soccer season has come to an end and that Greg will have a little bit more free time...for a couple months anyway!
Saturday we spent the afternoon at Mama Jane and Papa Emery's. We dressed the kids up in their Halloween costumes and took them down to see Great Grandpa and Great Grandma Howdyshell. They were happy to see the Jeremiah dressed as and Indian Chief, Emrie Ann as Little Miss Muffet and Henry the Spider. The kids were happy to get a Tootsie Pop! Mama Jane spent the afternoon making huge pots of veggie soup and chili for Henry's 1st birthday party next weekend. Yummy! Thanks Mama!
Henry had a fever off and on all weekend long from his 1st year check-up shots. He also has several one year molars breaking through the surface, ouchy I am sure.
Sunday afternoon we took the kids down to the Logan Halloween parade. Emrie was wide eyed looking at all the kids and all the costumes. She was not a bit afraid of some of the scarier looking ones. Henry didn't seem to care or notice that anything special was going on he just enjoyed the stroller ride. After coming back to the house Henry took his afternoon nap we sat on the porch steps and handed out lots and lots of candy to lots and lots of kids. We didn't take Emrie Ann door to door, she seemed to be enjoying handing out candy as much as anything else. She did get lots of oooh and ahhhs on how cute she looked. Kudos to Mama Jane for making her bloomers and hat!
While tucking Emrie into bed last night our usual "Goodnight!, Sweet Dreams! & Buenas Noches!" was followed by "Happy Halloween!" What a fun time for a 3 year old!

Praise God for fun days!

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