Sunday, August 29, 2010

Wow! Time zips right on by.

I thought I was doing great keeping current on my blog. This week passed by at a rapid rate, I can't imagine time moving any faster. In the past I've been at school, work, Dr's office, or waiting on a baby to arrive etc. and a minute can seem like ten minutes. I guess there is truth to "Time flies when your having fun!"
It has been a mini adventure having 4 and sometimes 5 kids here during the week. Emrie is having the hardest time adjusting...Sharing is so dog-gone hard!! We'll continue to work on it and hope that improvement comes quickly because all the time-outs and little battles are exhausting for mommy.
We take a walk every morning around ten(boy I will be sad when the weather doesn't allow this!) Emrie was walking along beside of me when she said "Yum, I love toe nails!" Random, funny, gross, and cute all at the same time, he he! When Lilly is with us Henry and Lydia ride in the double jogger and Emrie and Lilly hold on to the sides. Each day on our little outing the girls find a stick to carry along and they call them their magic wands, their imaginations are great.
Henry is eating everything he finds on the floor. (I know Mom, I deserve this!) Friday apparently he ate a tiny bunny sticker and when it came time to eat lunch, it didn't go down so well. Food came up and out and well that is how I found out that he ate a little bunny sticker. So now the floor gets swept like crazy, it is overwhelming task to make sure that Emrie doesn't leave or drop anything on the floor that he might get into his little fingers and then straight into his mouth. I fear just about anything could be a choking hazard, Greg has somehow passed his unhealthy fear of choking onto me and now I feel panicked nearly 24/7. So many tiny lids-chapstick, hairspray, bugspray, toothpaste, pen caps. Then coins, someone drops one out of their pocket and it goes unnoticed or maybe someone leaves a purse in reach. Then there are candies, cough drops, gum, nuts, raisins and on and on and on. Yes, this is getting a little out of control, I know! .........Oh boy, I better move on.
We had a lovely evening last night with the Martins at Mama and Papa's. We had a fire, roasted hot dogs and enjoyed some yummy smores!
Today Emrie took a nap with Aunt Beth, Henry was napping so Mommy got a little nap too! Sunday naps are terrific!
I took the kids to the grocery with me this evening, they sat in the double-seater cart at Wal-Mart and it was so cute, Emrie had her arm around Henry's back all the while singing her little heart out. I love to watch her love on Henry Little Michael.
Greg is busy grading a mountain of papers and I am feeling less than motivated to do anything else this evening, so off to bed I go!

Praise God for contentment and fun times flying by!

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